Middle School
Research indicates that students from ages 9-13 are confronted with daily challenges to their sense of self-worth, self-image, and place in community. At Rutgers Prep, we identify opportunities for our students to locate positive experiences that assist them in their self-discovery while developing and practicing productive, effective habits for college and for life. With the small classes and real-world diversity in our Middle School, students learn how to be confident leaders in their community.
Core Academics
Middle School students in grades 6 through 8 take five core academic courses: study of the Humanities via explorations in English and History, Mathematics, Science, and World Language. Coursework is rigorous and creative; with a focus on skill development and analytical thinking. To enrich daily student learning, academic courses are balanced with Music, Physical Education, and elective courses.
Core Experiences
Core Experience courses are designed to enhance Academic and Cycle course offerings and provide enrichment activities as part of our regular school day. Each grade has four classes that rotate on an 8-week schedule. Curriculum for all grades focuses on the development of self-awareness and leadership skills.
Cycle Courses
Cycle courses are elective-style offerings. Students will take a different Cycle course every quarter of the school year. The courses permit students to try a range of activities to enrich their lives and to help them to find their passion. In grades 6, 7, and 8, Cycle courses include Art, Health & Wellness, and a technology-based course. The fourth Cycle course for sixth graders is STEAM. A performance-based Drama course is the fourth offering for 7th and 8th graders.
All Middle School students take music class as part of their core schedule. Students may choose between Band, Choir, or Orchestra. Music classes practice songs for both pleasure and performance. Twice a year, students participate in concerts for parents and family members.
Physical Education
At the end of each school day, all Middle School students take part in Physical Education classes. Our middle schoolers are excited to put on their first Rutgers Prep jersey and participate in one of the more than a dozen team sports available to them over the three athletic seasons. For those students who prefer not to join a team sport, we also offer General Gym. which provides students an opportunity to do cardiovascular and coordination exercises and learn and build positive and healthy life-long habits.