Meet our Faculty & Staff
Anna Espinoza
Lower School Music Teacher
What words of wisdom would you pass to your childhood self?
Be happy that mom signed you up for piano lessons! You're gonna thank her later.
What is your favorite city and why?
I fell in love with Boston, Massachusetts on a cold February evening after the most incredible choral performance I had ever been a part of.
Carole Glantzow Zboray
Middle School Science Department Chair
What's your proudest moment as a teacher?
One of my proudest moments was when a former 8th grade Science student, who is now a cardiac surgeon, came to speak to my current 8th graders.
What inspires you?
Selfless acts inspire me. Seeing people do things simply because it is the "right thing to do," not because it is "expected" or someone is watching or because of potential "rewards."
Tim Cohen
Upper School History Teacher, International Dean
What's the silliest thing you are passionate about?
International Talk Like a Pirate Day (every September 19th, matey!)
What's your teaching philosophy?
I want my students to make connections - whether it's comparing different eras or cultures, seeing how our perceptions of the past have shaped their own lives, or a thousand other things. History is more than just a jumble of names and facts; it's a living organism that each of us is continually helping to create even as we seek to understand it.
Nandini Dutta
World Language Department Head
Who is your hero (and why)?
My father. The best human I have ever known. And pretty sure will ever know.
What is your favorite city and why?
London, England. Ancient, modern, history, politics, art, architecture, food, politics: London has everything! Best city ever!
Wendy Jankowski
Kindergarten Teacher
What's your proudest moment as a teacher?
When a parent tells me their child has become more self-confident and more willing to try hard things as a result of being in my and my co-teacher's class. Awesome moment!
What's your teaching philosophy?
Kids don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. I strive with my amazing co-teacher to create an environment in which a child feels they are loved and cared for, as well as challenged and supported. At the kindergarten level, we want children to learn to love school, to know making mistakes is ok, to empathize with and care for our fellow classmates and that "we can do hard things!"
Pablito Lake
Upper School Computer Education Chair, Upper School Math Teacher
What's your proudest moment as a teacher?
Seeing students improve.
What's your teaching philosophy?
Give everyone a chance to be successful.
Dr. Circe Dunnell
Upper School Visual Arts Teacher
What's your teaching philosophy?
I am not a teacher, I am a guide. As a guide, I try to provide my students with the tools to think and act for themselves, to promote learning, connection, and empathy.
What's your proudest moment as a teacher?
There isn't one moment, however, every time I communicate with a graduate and they tell me how important RPS was to their success in life, that is a wonder.
Search for Faculty/Staff

Alison Abrams
B.S., Syracuse University
B.A., Hobart & William Smith Colleges

William Abrams

Jennifer Albright
B.A., Tyler School of Art at Temple University

MaryAnn Anderson
B.A., North Carolina Central University

Theodora Angelos
M.A., University of Virginia

Rob Apgar
M.B.A, Duke University

Alyssa Applebaum

Ana Arias

Tori Arredondo

Ralph Avella

Orli Bander
M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University
B.A., The University of Alabama

Matthew Baron
B.A., SUNY College at New Paltz

Jennifer Bautista Burk

Jeff Bennett
B.A., Dartmouth College

Mike Berezny

Matt Bloom

Maria Bowers

Tara Bratek

Kelly Castelluccio

Corey Cheung

Joe Chodl
M.A., Michigan State University
Ed.D., University of Minnesota

Tim Cohen
M.A., University of Vermont

Alicia Conroy
M.L.I.S., Drexel University
SLMS, Rutgers University

Jill Cooper
Ph.D., Rutgers University

Barbara Corbin
M.T., University of Virginia
M.Ed., Rutgers University

Manuela Curutchet

Maddison Davey
B.S., Rutgers University
M.S., Rutgers University

Kyle Deaver
B.A., Rutgers University

Duane Dietz

Daniel D'Imperio

Domenica D'Imperio
M.A.T., Monmouth University

Britten Dixon
M.A., University of Texas at Austin

Graig Domanski
M.S., National University

Circe Dunnell
M.A., New York University
Ed.D, Rowan University

Nandini Dutta
M.A., University of New Mexico
M.A., Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Kacy Epps

Anna Espinoza

Rachel Falzon
M.F.A., Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art

Debra Fehl

Stanley Figaro
B.M., B.A., University of Florida

Nicholas Foil
M.S., Northern Illinois University

Susan Gantz
M.B.A., St. John's University

Hannah Garrow
M.A., New York University

Carole Glantzow Zboray

Christina Goodman
B.A., Rutgers University

Ben Hawkins
M.S., London School of Economics
M.A., Columbia University

Wendy Jankowski
M.Ed., Rutgers University

Emily Kalkus
B.S., Virginia Tech

Mary Beth Keane

Mary Klinger

Sandi Klinger
M.A., Kean University
M.A., Marygrove College

Ryan Klipstein

Tara Klipstein
M.Ed., Rutgers School of Education

Shelley Krause
M.Ed., University of Pennsylvania