Rutgers Preparatory School
1345 Easton Avenue | Somerset, NJ 08873
Phone: 732.545.5600

Upper School Art Students Spend Day in Open-Air Classroom

Upper School Art Students Spend Day in Open-Air Classroom

Earlier this fall Upper School art students left their classroom and studio spaces behind for a trip to the Storm King Art Center, a sprawling 500-acre outdoor sculpture museum in New Windsor, New York. The destination for our twice-a-year art-related excursions is always thoughtfully chosen to match up with student interests and to spark new ones as well.

While the trip was certainly fun for the students from our highest-level art classes —Photography 4, Ceramics 4, Architecture and Design 4, and Critique and Production 1 and 2—there was also work to be done. These trips are part of the art curriculum at Rutgers Prep, and, as such, each student specifically prepares for the artists or works in question, and completes assignments relevant to the artwork they've just seen.